Overcome Housing Search Barriers
Are you denied housing because of a criminal background, low credit score, or recent eviction?Beyond Backgrounds by HousingLink can help!

Financial Assurance for Landlords
Landlords like extra support when renting to someone with background barriers. Double deposits. Co-signers. First and last month's rent up front. Ugh...Our Financial Assurance is better, AND much cheaper than a double deposit.You pay $300 when you find a landlord who will work with you. The landlord gets access to $2,000 of financial coverage at the end of the lease if something goes wrong.You pay $300 after an owner/manager says they are willing to rent to you.
Who is a good fit?
Beyond Backgrounds helps people with barriers who CAN pay the rent.Have a job or ongoing rental assistance like a Housing Choice Voucher? You are good to go.

Use Beyond Backgrounds in Your Housing Search

How to explain evictions
Watch the 1 minute video for tips on how to explain your eviction history.
How to explain criminal background
Watch the 1 minute video for tips on how to explain your criminal background.
How to explain a low credit score
Watch the 1 minute video for tips on how to explain a low credit score.
How to explain not having enough income
Watch the 1 minute video for tips on how you will make things work, even if you don't earn 2-3x the rent.
Automate Your Housing Search
Set up a Saved Search on HousingLink. You will get texts of housing listings that are open to Beyond Backgrounds renters.
Buy Financial Assurance
Did a landlord agree to offer you housing with Beyond Backgrounds Financial Assurance?Click here to get started
Cost: $300
Are you an agency that wants to pay on behalf of a renter?Click here to get started
How to Explain Financial AssuranceThe renter pays $300 for the Financial Assurance.The property gets up to $2,000 above what their security deposit covers if there is unpaid rent, damage to the unit, or other costs when the lease ends.

Get the Financial Assurance Fee Waived
Get the $300 Beyond Backgrounds Financial Assurance fee waived!The first 39 people to complete Build Wealth's online course Rent Smart Wise and Ready will get the Financial Assurance fee waived!The course costs $39.95.You will learn the following:
The primary parties involved in the renting process.
How to communicate effectively with property managers.
How to figure out how which places are affordable for you.
How to find a place to live.
How to make your application stand out from the rest.
Renter rights, and how to get off to a good start in your new home.
Two Important Notes:1. When signing up, enter "Beyond Backgrounds" in the company name field.2. When you finish the course, email your certificate of completion to BeyondBackgrounds@HousingLink.org. Then, we'll send you instructions on how to get the fee waived.
Share Your Lease Info
Once your lease is signed we need some info from it.This is required to activate your financial assurance.We will send you an email reminder on move-in day.
Buy Financial Assurance
Did a landlord agree to offer you housing with Beyond Backgrounds Financial Assurance?
Cost: $300
Are you an agency that wants to pay on behalf of a renter?
Click here to Get Started
How to Explain Financial AssuranceThe renter pays $300 for the Financial Assurance.The property gets up to $2,000 above what their security deposit covers if there is unpaid rent, damage to the unit, or other costs when the lease ends.This gives the property more financial coverage than a double deposit, and costs the renter less money. A win-win!
Instructions to Pay by Money OrderMake the money order payable to: HousingLinkAmount: $300Mail to:
1400 Van Buren St NE
Suite 215
Minneapolis, MN 55413When we get your payment, we will notify you and your landlord with next steps.Thanks!The Beyond Backgrounds Team
Program Agreement, Privacy Policy, Terms and ConditionsProgram Agreement
By purchasing Beyond Backgrounds Financial Assurance, I agree to the following:
I will follow all terms of my lease.
I will follow the rules and regulations for my rental unit.
I will follow the rules and regulations for the entire building/property.
I will pay rent on time.
I will treat the unit/property with care.
I will respond to check-ins from Beyond Backgrounds staff.
I will notify the person designated by the landlord if there are any maintenance issues with the unit.
I understand Beyond Backgrounds does not pay my rent.Privacy Policy
I give my consent for staff from Beyond Backgrounds and its partner agencies to confer over the phone, in person, or through email with previous, current, and potential landlords concerning my housing needs.I understand that by signing this form, I am giving permission for the Beyond Backgrounds program to speak on my behalf.Terms and Conditions
The $300 fee for Financial Assurance is not refundable.
Beyond Backgrounds participation is not a guarantee of housing.
The Beyond Backgrounds program is not insurance and the program is not transferable.
The participant must have enough income (or a voucher) in order to pay monthly rent.
Beyond Backgrounds does not provide monetary rental assistance, and there is no refund if the participant can’t afford the cost of housing.
Participants can choose to exit the program at any time.
Beyond Backgrounds does not pay application fees, security deposits, utility deposits,
rent, or any upfront fees to the landlord or participant.
There is no guarantee that a landlord will choose to participate in Beyond Backgrounds once a participant is housed.The ultimate goal is to secure housing, so whether or not
the landlord participates does not affect being housed.
If the landlord opts in to participate in Beyond Backgrounds, then the program will provide up to $2,000 to the landlord once the security deposit has been used for
damages to the unit, unpaid rent, or eviction costs/legal fees.This can only be accessed by the landlord/owner at the end of the first year of the lease or when the renter moves out, whichever comes first.
The Beyond Backgrounds participant must be named on the lease.Landlords cannot be immediate family members of the renter. This includes parents, siblings, or children of the renter.Room rentals or subletting is not allowed. The participants must be added to a lease.
Up to two non-familial adults are allowed to be on the lease with the Beyond Backgrounds participant.
The start date of the lease must be on or after the date of payment for the Beyond Backgrounds program.
The terms and conditions of using the program is that the applicable law for this program is Minnesota law and the forum for all claims and disputes arising from the use of the
program are the stated and federal courts of Minnesota located in Minneapolis, MN.